Player Information
EMA Number : | 02010025 |
Country : | Belgium(see National Stats) |
Organization : | Belgian Mahjong Association |
Club : | - |
All Results
- | Contribute to the MERS | No Contribute to the MERS | ||||||
RULES | RANKING | Points | Nb TR | 1st
Other | Nb TR |
MCR | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1 | 59 |
RCR | 342 / 606 | 435,54 | 3 | - | - | 1 | 2 | 7 |
MCR Results
- | Contribute to the MERS | No Contribute to the MERS | ||||||
RULES | RANKING | Points | Nb TR | 1st
Other | Nb TR |
MCR | - | - | - | - | - | - | 1 | 59 |
Id | Date | Place | Tournament | W | Rank | Points | Power | Contribute to the MERS |
366 | 11-12 Mar.2023 | TEMSE | Kleine 3 Draken Toernooi 2023 | 3,5 | 5/96 | 958 pts | 50% |
Click here to see all results, include 59 more tournaments no contribute to the MERS
Riichi Results
- | Contribute to the MERS | No Contribute to the MERS | ||||||
RULES | RANKING | Points | Nb TR | 1st
Other | Nb TR |
RCR | 342 / 606 | 435,54 | 3 | - | - | 1 | 2 | 7 |
Id | Date | Place | Tournament | W | Rank | Points | Power | Contribute to the MERS |
342 | 6-7 July 2024 | Louvain-la-Neuve | Riichi Supernova 2024 | 3 | 38/52 | 275 pts | 100% | |
292 | 22-23 Apr. 2023 | LEUVEN | RODE LOTUS CUP 2023 #1RIICHI | 3 | 3/48 | 957 pts | 50% | |
291 | 15-16 April 2023 | COLOGNE | HEIWA NOMI NO MAJAN TAISEN 2023 | 3 | 21/60 | 661 pts | 50% |
Click here to see all results, include 7 more tournaments no contribute to the MERS