Basics for EMA Quotas
General information
EMA Quotas are used for European Mahjong Championship and all great events like WMC.
Base rank
These Quotas are automatically published in the same time of ranking updating. Thus, throughout the year, each country can see a simulation of the quotas which it will have in the next event.
Total number of seats
Total is set by EMA and organizers, and published as soon as possible on EMA website.
Quotas for non EMA and invited players
These seats are set by EMA, according to total number of seats.
We include all countries who are not affiliate to EMA.
If players are not interested, seats are redistributed in the EMA quota.
About OEMC and WMC: We offer seats to the best EMA player in the last European and World Championship. So, this is not necessarily the winner of these tournaments. The seats are personal and non-transferable. Forfeited seats are redistributed to EMA.
Countries with organizations should apply through these organizations. Players from countries without organizations can apply in the quota for Rest of the World.
Interested players should submit an expression of interest (to EMA or to the organizers who should inform EMA) with a deadline before the organisers opens for registration. Applications would then be considered by prioritizing :
- Participation of new countries who are potential EMA members,
- Other nations not already represented
- Non-EMA countries already represented.
- The first come, first served principle if needed.
Quotas for EMA players
These seats are automatic, according to total number of seats and seats for non EMA and invited players.
We don’t give a bigger quota to organizing country. All places are given automatically.
These seats are only for EMA members who are featured on the ranking list. See official EMA member organizations.
About best EMA player in last European and World championship: The seat is personal and is additional to the quota of the player’s country.
- Example1: A country gets a quota of 15 seats. And (for example), the best player of the last OEMC comes from this country. So, they have a total of 16 seats (15 from EMA Quota and 1 from Invited Quota as best EMA player in last OEMC)
- Example2: A country gets a quota of 15 seats. And (for example), the best players of the last OEMC and WMC come from this country. So, they have a total of 17 seats. Of course, only 16 seats if the best player of OEMC and WMC is the same.
Quotas are set automatically according to the algorithm below:
Part A
A1 = One seat for the 3 best EMA countries in the country ranking list
A2 = One seat for all EMA countries.
A3 = One seat for all countries who have players with a ranking > 700 points
Part B
B1 = Percent of players in ranking list (country / Total)
B2 = Percent of players with ranking >700 points (country / Total)
B3 = Average between B1 and B2
Quotas before Penalty and Redistribution
T = Total quota for EMA
Quotas Q = [A1+A2+A3] + B3*[T-SumAllCountries(PartA)]
For this part [ B3*[T-SumAllCountries(PartA)] ], we use recursive method, decided by EMA GA 2019
Limits and Penalty
Each country can’t get more seats than numbers of players who have ranking > global average rank.
An EMA country can’t have a quota of 0 seats. Each EMA country has at least 1 seat.
One uses the module of redistribution to refine the quotas if need be, with the rise or the fall, according the “top ranking country”.
A country can’t get more seats than numbers of players who have ranking > global average rank. So, we will give seats to others if necessary.
- Example1: before redistribution, we have 2 seats to give. So, the 2 best countries (in country ranking list) will have 1 seat more.
- Example2: before redistribution, we have 2 seats to give. The 3 best countries have already reached the max (can’t get more than average). So, we give seats to countries ranked at 4 and 5 in the ranking list.
If countries can’t fulfil their quota, seats are redistributed to others (EMA countries).
At the end, if we have some seats to redistribute, EMA presidium will decide to give them to countries (even if some of them have reached its own quota).