Player Information
EMA Number : | 04090110 |
Name : | SAI MING FUNG |
Country : | France(see National Stats) |
Organization : | Fédération Française de Mah-Jong |
Club : | - |
All Results
- | Contribute to the MERS | No Contribute to the MERS | ||||||
RULES | RANKING | Points | Nb TR | 1st
Other | Nb TR |
MCR | 130 / 400 | 604,56 | 9 | - | - | - | 9 | 12 |
RCR | 212 / 576 | 576,57 | 4 | - | - | - | 4 | 1 |
MCR Results
- | Contribute to the MERS | No Contribute to the MERS | ||||||
RULES | RANKING | Points | Nb TR | 1st
Other | Nb TR |
MCR | 130 / 400 | 604,56 | 9 | - | - | - | 9 | 12 |
Id | Date | Place | Tournament | W | Rank | Points | Power | Contribute to the MERS |
390 | 30-01 Mar. 2024 | Lyon | Championnat de France MCR 2024 | 4 | 63/80 | 215 pts | 100% | |
380 | 13-15 Oct. 2023 | VALENCIA | OEMC 2023 : EUROPEAN MCR CHAMPIONSHIP | 6 | 155/168 | 78 pts | 50% | |
376 | 2-3 Sept. 2023 | HANNOVER | GERMAN MAHJONG OPEN 2023 | 3 | 10/56 | 836 pts | 50% | |
371 | 10-11 June 2023 | SAN GIMIGNANO | SAN GIMIGNANO 2023 | 2,5 | 41/52 | 216 pts | 50% | |
367 | 15-16 April 2023 | GEMONA | GEMONA 2023 | 3 | 55/68 | 194 pts | 50% | |
366 | 11-12 Mar.2023 | TEMSE | 13 TH KLEINE 3 DRAKEN TOERNOOI 2023 | 3,5 | 85/96 | 116 pts | 50% | |
365 | 5 Feb. 2023 | COPENHAGEN | MCR COPENHAGEN OPEN 2023 | 1 | 6/24 | 783 pts | 50% | |
364 | 26-27 nov. 2022 | MILANO | 16° OPEN ITALIAN CHAMPIONSHIP 2022 | 3 | 8/80 | 911 pts | 50% | |
363 | 19-20 nov. 2022 | VARANGEVILLE | STANISLAS OPEN 2022 | 3 | 17/80 | 797 pts | 50% |
Click here to see all results, include 12 more tournaments no contribute to the MERS
Riichi Results
- | Contribute to the MERS | No Contribute to the MERS | ||||||
RULES | RANKING | Points | Nb TR | 1st
Other | Nb TR |
RCR | 212 / 576 | 576,57 | 4 | - | - | - | 4 | 1 |
Id | Date | Place | Tournament | W | Rank | Points | Power | Contribute to the MERS |
287 | 18-19 March 2023 | TWICKENHAM | TWICKENHAM SPRING TOURNAMENT 2023 | 3,5 | 36/64 | 444 pts | 50% | |
285 | 4 Feb. 2023 | COPENHAGEN | RIICHI COPENHAGEN OPEN 2023 | 1,5 | 25/28 | 111 pts | 50% | |
283 | 10-11 Dec. 2022 | VALENCIA | MAHJONG VALENCIA RIICHI 2022 | 3,5 | 6/60 | 915 pts | 50% | |
277 | 5-6 nov. 2022 | BERGHEM | RIICHI DUTCH OPEN 2022 | 3 | 18/68 | 746 pts | 50% |
Click here to see all results, include 1 more tournaments no contribute to the MERS